Some Famous Poem Of Prabha Bhattarai Aacharya प्रभा भट्टराई आचार्यका केही कबिताहरु


Some Famous Poem Of Prabha Bhattarai Aacharya प्रभा भट्टराई आचार्यका केही कबिताहरु

Prabha Bhattarai was born in Chundiramgha of Tanahun on Kartik 16, 2022 BS. this is one of the nicely-stated names in Nepali literature. She is understood no longer best for her contribution to kid's literature but also as a granddaughter of the famend poet Bhanubhakta Acharya. The congenial atmosphere provided by her parents Mithu Acharya and Narayan Dutta Shastri Acharya influenced her life and literature. Prabha's life and career prove that she is committed to literature, and her influence as a poet and teacher will survive.

    Early Life

    She was born in Chundiramgha, Tanahun, into an educated and aristocratic family that provided the needed stimulation for intellectual and creative pursuits. The family atmosphere conspicuous by intellectual ferment and appreciation for art gave a host of values to her personality. As her father Narayan Dutta Shastri was a poet and an artist, she was brought up in an environment of literature and poetry from a young age. The hills, rivers, and mountains surrounding her home filled her poetic urges.


    She was brought up in a highly disciplined and dignified way, which, together with her parents' guidance and background of high educational attainment, provided an environment that was very conducive for her growth both as a person and a professional. It was obvious from a very young age that Prabha was bright and conscientious; the qualities that made it clear she would blaze the trail that saw her rise to prominence in Nepalese literature and society.


    With the same dedication that marked the early years, Prabha Bhattarai went on to pursue her higher education. She completed her M.Phil in Nepali and is currently engaged in research for her doctorate. Her academic sojourn was interspersed with a commitment to excellence and love for learning. Prabha has been teaching at Padma Kanya Campus for a long period of time and has guided and inspired many students with her teaching acumen and skill.


    Her first published work was a poem entitled "Mother," published in the magazine "Balak" in June 2033 BS. Since then, she went on to become one of the most profuse writers, publishing numerous works in many genres.


    Literary Contributions

    Prabha Bhattarai's contribution to Nepali literature is multifaceted. even though better recognised for her children's literature, she has produced biographies, reviews, essays, and classical poetry. As a poet of the highest order, she can present the deepest of human emotions through the imagery of nature.


    Her poetry often reflects a profound connection between human suffering and the natural world. Prabha's skill in lifting ordinary objects to reveal the deeper truths of nature and life is widely admired. Her poems resonate with issues of rebellion in opposition to oppression and injustice, embodying a spirit of cosmopolitanism and usual brotherhood.


    The last purpose of Prabha's creative writing is the building of a civilized, cultured, disciplined, peaceful society. Her writings are ageless, awakening people to the beauty and possibility of a harmonious world. Similarly, her poetry is full of coyotes in spring and stars in the night sky-a charming and really eternal poetry.


    Notable Works

    Other major works of Prabha Bhattarai include: "Posila Kavita" (2060 BS), a poetry collection for children; "Mero Sano Bhai" (2060 BS), another poetry collection also for children; the biography "Sharda Adhikari" (2067 BS); and the classical poem collection "Sarit-Sangam" (2068 BS).


    Apart from the above-mentioned published books, Prabha has written contemporary and literary articles, critiques, verse poems, songs essays, and stories for various national and international journals since 2033 BS. Her writings have also appeared in various school textbooks and reference books published by the Government of Nepal and private publishers.


    Awards and Honors

    The literary journey of Prabha Bhattarai has been adorned with several awards and recognitions. Some of these prominent recognitions include:


    Arjun Gold Medal (2042 BS): Given for being in first position in the Graduation Nepali Composition Examination from Tribhuvan University.

    Lalita Poetry Award and Medal (2051 BS): Given at the 3rd National Poetry Festival by the Sitaram Literary Foundation.

    Village Service Award (2058 BS): Given by the Village Service Fund, Tanahun.

    Lekhnath Poetry Award 2067 BS: From Trimurti Niketan for her noteworthy contribution to classical prosody poetry. Sagarmatha Literary Foundation Padmahari Award 2069 BS: Appriciated for her outstanding contribution to Nepali language and literature. Premadatta-Goma Tripathi Smriti Sahitya Samman Award 2069 BS: From Premdatta-Goma Tripathi Smriti Pratishthan for invaluable contribution to the promotion of literature and innovation in Nepali verse poetry.

    Devkota Poetic Honour-2073 BS: Provided by the Nepal Cultural Association in recognition of her immense contribution to Nepali literature.

    These prizes point towards the regard Prabha Bhattarai commands in the area of operation and elsewhere. Personal Life and Legacy

    Prabha Bhattarai now lives at Bhimsen Thapa Marg-102, Tahachal, Ward No. 13, Kathmandu, along with her daughter Sampada and son Satyendra. Her late husband Surendra Raj Bhattarai was much of an art lover and lover of literature and always helped her a lot in her writing. But even then, she did not stop writing after her husband's demise in 2064 BS.


    Her involvement in literature and culture is pretty broad. She is an active member of the Nepali Literary Society, Nepal Children's Literature Society, Bhanu Foundation, and "Kothe Kavi Goshti" family. These affiliations reflect her deep commitment to promoting literature and culture in Nepal.


    Elegant expression of the beauty of spring, firm commitment-the legacy of Prabha Bhattarai stands tall in Nepali literature. Her future works are still being awaited by the readers and the critics alike. The contributions made by Prabha as a poet, educator, and cultural ambassador will be remembered and celebrated for generations to come.



    Prabha Bhattarai's life and work epitomize the power of literature to inspire, educate, and thus transform. From her childhood in Chundiramgha, Tanahun, her rise as a leading poet and academician, Prabha gives meaning to one important fact about human life: dedication, talent, and steadfast commitment take one toward the peak in life. Her contributions to children's literature, classical poetry, and other genres left an indelible mark on Nepali literature.


    Prabha Bhattarai holds a special place in readers' hearts with her poetry, wherein she intermingles the most heart-touching feelings of humanness with nature imagery. Her bold and inspiring poetry about freedom, justice, and brotherhood remains inspiriting and motivating to all. Her legacy stands as a bright guiding star of excellence and commitment to literature, with numerous awards and honors bestowed on her.


    The biography of Prabha Bhattarai describes not only her life but also the establishment of her unwavering influence within Nepalese literature and culture. Her story is an inspiration for young budding poets and writers, reminding us of the depth of words in shaping and uplifting society.

    म चाहन्थेँ

    म चाहन्थेँ, सधैँ सग्ली आमाका काखमा बसूँ,
    बगरे झैँ  तिमी काटी- काटी भाग लगाउँछौ !

    म त सगरमाथा यो शिरमै राख्छु भन्दथेँ,
    तिमी पराइ बोलाई शिरमै टेक्न लाउँछौ ।

    पौडँदै यी नदी नाला चाहन्थेँ शुद्ध भै रहूँ,
    तिमी यै तीर्थमा आफ्ना मलमूत्र मिसाउँछौ !

    म गौरव गरूँ भन्थेँ भाषा, संस्कृति, भेषको,
    तिमी लत्रेर अर्कैको खुट्टा ढोग्न लगाउँछौ !

    चाहन्थेँ स्वावलम्वी भै गरूँ उद्यम देशमा,
    तिमी उद्योगका ढोका थुनी ताल्चा लगाउँछौ !

    चाहन्थेँ विश्वमै हाम्रो अलग्गै पहिचान होस्,
    तिमी देखा सिकी गर्दै अरू झैँ हुन लाउँछौ !

    बालबच्चाहरू जागून् भन्थेँ  नैतिक पाठले,
    तिमी भ्रष्टहरूलाई नमस्कार गराउँछौ !

    म त सेवक हूँ भन्दै, मन जित्छौ जसो तसो,
    उल्टै मालिक झैँ बन्छौ, धाक- धक्कू लगाउँछौ !

    म चाहन्थेँ, सधैँ राम्रा उज्याला कविता पढूँ,
    तिमी त विषझैँ तीतो मात्र पोख्न लगाउँछौँ !

    फुलेको जवानी !

    अहा ! जिन्दगीमा सुनौला पला ती
    सधैँ हुर्कंदा, स्वादिला शृङ्खला ती
    छँदा कोपिला, फक्रँदाका कहानी
    छुटे, शेष भो लौ, फुलेको जवानी !

    अनेकौँ कडा ग्रीष्मका तप्त राप
    सही, शुष्क हेमन्तको दृष्टिपात
    शरद्को उज्यालो, बसन्ती बिहानी
    मुछी घामछायाँ, फुलेको जवानी !

    सयौँ प्राप्तिका साथ, सन्तुष्ट आँखा
    अझै तिर्सनामा डुलेका चनाखा
    सयौँ मोड-घुम्ती, सयौँ लाभ-हानी
    निफन्दै, नियाल्दै, फुलेको जवानी !

    सयौँ शोकका तप्त गङ्गा नुहाई
    अझै उत्ति हर्षाश्रुमा छङ्छङ्गाई
    नपाएर पत्तो, उसै जिन्दगानी
    छचल्केर आयो, फुलेको जवानी !

    परदेशबाट पत्र

    अघिल्ला सबै पत्र पायौ कि आमा ?
    सिरानी भिजाई निदायौ कि आमा !
    कि भक्कानियौ सास रोकेर लामो ?
    मसी पग्लिँदा बाँध लायौ कि आमा !

    जहाँ औषधी बन्दथ्यो स्निग्ध हात,
    बिसन्चो हुँदा खट्दथ्यौ रात–रात !
    म ता काखमा मस्त घुर्थेँ, र तिम्रो
    झपक्कै नभै नेत्र हुन्थ्यो प्रभात !

    तिमी स्वप्नमा मुस्कुराएर आयौ,
    लिई काखमा फेरि लोरी सुनायौ !
    निकै बर्षमा त्यो मिल्यो काख प्यारो,
    म लठ्ठै थिएँ झट्ट आयौ बिलायौ !

    सधैँ स्वप्नमा त्यै धरामा म हुन्छु,
    र ब्युँझेर भक्कानिँदै नित्य रुन्छु !
    तिमी छौ बिरामी अरे ! फेरि आमा,
    म यस्तै नमीठा खबर् मात्र सुन्छु !

    बिरामी प¥यौ ? सोध्छु, सञ्चै छु भन्छ्यौ !
    मलाई खुशी पार्न पीडा सहन्छ्यौ !
    तिमी जान्दिनौ राम्ररी भूmट बोल्न,
    लुकाई सबै आँशु हाँस्दै रहन्छ्यौ !

    तिनै हात डो¥याउँथे तातिताती,
    म डुल्थेँ बसेरै तिनै काँधमाथि !
    तिमी लड्खडायौ अरे ! खै सहारा ?
    भनी सोध्दछन् आज साथी–सँगाती !

    गिजोल्छन् यहाँ संझनाका तरेली,
    सधैँ प्रश्न गर्छन् भिजेका परेली,
    यसै आत्तिँदै, दौडिएँ वा धपायो,
    उसै बाध्यताले धकेली–धकेली ?

    यहाँ चाड हुन्नन्, कुनै पर्व हुन्नन्,
    “गरेँ काम” भन्ने कुनै गर्व हुन्नन् !
    बडो शुष्क, रूखो छ पात्रो यहाँको,
    जहाँ चाह, उल्लास, उत्सर्ग हुन्नन् ।


    त्यहाँ झैँ न ता धेर आफन्त हुन्छन्,
    मलामी न हुन्छन्, न ता जन्त हुन्छन् !
    छ संसार बेग्लै, अनौठो यहाँको,
    न ता शब्दका साथमा अर्थ हुन्छन् !

    म फर्कन्छु आमा ! तिमी पर्खिराख,
    छ संसारमै उच्च त्यो स्निग्ध काख !
    त्यही साग–सिस्नो छ प्यारो मलाई,
    म गर्नेछु संघर्ष, बन्दै चलाख !


    यो धरा धामको यात्रा, यात्री भैकन आइयो
    यहाँ अर्ध शताब्दीको देउराली देख्न पायियो
    उकाली जिन्दगीका यी सजिलै पार लयियो
    हर्ष बिष्मातका छाया-घाम भित्र नुहायियो ।

    डुबेरै जिन्दगीका यी चाखियो जब षड् रस
    कतै तीता कतै मीठा मिसिए बिष-अमृत
    हाँसो-रोदनको नौलो अनौठो घोल जिन्दगी
    शिलबन्दी चिठी राख्ने अनौठो खोल जिन्दगी ।

    पाना पल्टाउँदै जाँदा जिन्दगीका फटाफट
    आफु आँफै नभै अर्कै कोही नौलो अनगत
    कतै नफा, कतै घाटा गुणा-भगा सरोबर
    हिसाब जिन्दगीको यो कतै मिल्दैन उत्तर ।

    घडीको सुइले आँफै धकेल्दैछ निरन्तर
    छेकी समयको बाटो कोही अड्दैन आखिर
    कोही बाराफझै ढुक्कै होलान् जम्नेहरु यहाँ
    मेरो त जिन्दगी खोलो पानी भै बगिदिन्छु म।


    बाबा म साच्चैँ लघु अंश तिम्रै
    माने-नमाने पनि वंश तिम्रै ।

    संस्कार तिम्रै, लय, ताल तिम्रै,
    जे बोल्छु उस्तै, अनुहार तिम्रै,
    उक्लेर तिम्रा दृढ काँधमाथि
    अग्लो भएँ कान दुबै समाती ।

    संसार जम्मै अनि हेर्न पाएँ,
    बाबा-सवारी गतिलै कुदाएँ !
    खोसेर खाएँ, अनि पो अघाएँ !
    पोखेँ, लडाएँ अनि मुस्कुराएँ !

    अनन्त फर्माइसले सताएँ,
    रोएँ, रिसाएँ अनि भाउ खाएँ !
    होच्याउँथे जो “अपुतो” भनेर,
    निर्धा, निकम्मा दुहिता गनेर !

    “के काम लाग्छन् भन तुच्छ छोरी ?”
    हिंड्यौ कसैका मुखमै नहेरी !
    छोरीहरूको छ जहाँ निषेध,
    त्यो स्वर्ग पुग्ने दरकार के छ ?

    मानूँ व्यवस्था किन पक्षपाती ?
    उतै पुगी कानुन फेर्छु साथी !
    बर्दान हुन् ईश्वरका मलाई,
    यो जिन्दगी सार्थक पार्नलाई !

    यी तीन छोरी, अनि काव्य-पाना,
    छोडी गएँ, जीवनका खजाना !
    तिमी गयौ, ढुक्क भएर हाँसी,
    अगाध माया मनभित्र टाँसी !

    त्यै सम्झना मात्र छ साथ आज,
    श्रद्धा भरी झुक्दछ माथ आज !

    गरिन् आत्महत्या त्यहीं सिर्जनाले!

    म उठ्दा घरै जुर्मुराएर उठ्छ,
    कुचोले कुटे जोसुकै उठ्छ उठ्छ!
    प्रभा-तै छुट्यो रे यतै अल्झिनाले,
    भनी आत्महत्या गरिन् सिर्जनाले!    

    म पानी भरूँ या कि कोरूँ सलाई?
    सधैं हुन्छ अन्योल यस्तै मलाई!
    सधैं द्वन्द्वकै छालमा पौडिनाले,
    गरिन् आत्महत्या स्वयं सिर्जनाले!

    म भान्छा पसूँ या कि धाऊँ पँधेरी?
    व्यवस्था मिलाऊँ कतातर्फ हेरी?
    यता हेर्छु भन्दा, उता छुट्छ साथी!
    सबैको सँगै दृष्टि पर्ने ममाथि!

    यता काउलीका फिला काट्नुपर्ने,
    उखेल्दै उता साग ती छाँट्नुपर्ने!
    धुलाइहरू गर्नुपर्ने प्रशस्तै,
    गृहस्थी बन्यो युद्ध-मैदान जस्तै!

    सधैंको हतारो, सधैंको चटारो,
    गृहस्थी यही फेरि लाग्दै छ प्यारो!
    थिइन् सिर्जना छेउमै, बिर्सिनाले!
    गरिन् आत्महत्या कठै! सिर्जनाले!

    उता दालले सिट्ट सिट्ठी बजायो,
    यता साग संकोच मान्दै लजायो!
    उतै ध्यान मेरो गएको हुनाले,
    गरिन् आत्महत्या त्यहीं सिर्जनाले!

    मिलाएँ लुगा, शब्द भित्रै फसेछन्
    निसास्सी निसास्सी लुकेरै बसेछन्!
    विना शब्द के बोल्दथिन् भावनाले?
    गरिन् आत्महत्या कठै सिर्जनाले!

    म साङ्लाहरूले सधैं बेरिएकी,
    छताछुल्ल कर्तव्यले घेरिएकी!
    ल है पर्ख! भन्दै उता फर्कनाले,
    गरिन् आत्महत्या कठै सिर्जनाले!

    यता फर्किंदा भत्किएको छ भित्तो,
    उता फर्किंदा फूलबारी छ रित्तो!
    र मेरो गलामा अनेकौं छ फन्दा,
    कतै व्यस्त होला र खै को मभन्दा?

    सखी हुन् पुरानी सँगै खेल्न खोज्छिन्,
    र मेरा झमेला सँगै झेल्न खोज्छिन् ।
    म भ्याउन्नँ खेल्नै! बुझिन् पाहुनाले
    गरिन् आत्महत्या सखी सिर्जनाले!

    फुलेको जवानी !

    अहा ! जिन्दगीमा सुनौला पला ती
    सधैँ हुर्कंदा, स्वादिला शृङ्खला ती
    छँदा कोपिला, फक्रँदाका कहानी
    छुटे, शेष भो लौ, फुलेको जवानी !
    अनेकौँ कडा ग्रीष्मका तप्त राप
    सही, शुष्क हेमन्तको दृष्टिपात
    शरद्को उज्यालो, बसन्ती बिहानी
    मुछी घामछायाँ, फुलेको जवानी !
    सयौँ प्राप्तिका साथ, सन्तुष्ट आँखा
    अझै तिर्सनामा डुलेका चनाखा
    सयौँ मोड-घुम्ती, सयौँ लाभ-हानी
    निफन्दै, नियाल्दै, फुलेको जवानी !
    सयौँ शोकका तप्त गङ्गा नुहाई
    अझै उत्ति हषर्ाश्रुमा छङ्छङ्गाई
    नपाएर पत्तो, उसै जिन्दगानी
    छचल्केर आयो, फुलेको जवानी !


    आमा दृष्टि खुलाउने हृदयकी स्वर्गीय झन्कार हुन्
    रच्ने सृजन बाग यो झिलिमिली आमा कलाकार हुन्
    आमानै नभए हुँदैन रचना आमा बिना के छर ?
    आमा कै कोखबाट जगमा जन्मे स्वयं ईश्वर !

    आफ्नो जीवन- मृत्युको पनि कठै ! परबाह छोडिकन
    सक्छिन् यत्न गरेर भर्न जननी निर्जिवमा जीवन !
    आफू जोखिममा परेर सबको उद्धार को गर्छ र ?
    आमा कर्मठ स्वार्थहिन जगकै स्रष्टा र संरक्षक !!

    बाँड्छिन् सन्ततिमा बराबर गरी माया र श्रद्धा यिनी
    छातीमा छहरा रस- सुधा भरी सञ्चार गर्छिन् यिनी
    जस्तै दुष्ट कपूतको पनि उनी गर्छिन भलो उत्तिकै
    चहे पुत्र कुपुत्र होस् भुवनमा हुन्नन् कुमाता कतै !!

    आमा छिन घरमा भने घर भयो सम्पन्न औ सुन्दर
    आमाकै मृदु मोहमा रहरिलो स्वर्गीय आनन्द छ
    आमाको महिमा नभै त कविले रोएर भन्दैनथे
    “आमा बालककी नमार भगवान् संसार भर्ने भए’ !!!

    आमा हुन् ममतामयी, सहृदयी, वात्सल्यकी निर्झरी
    लाखौँ  यत्न गरून् तथापि सहजै लाग्दैन आमासरि
    हुन्छन् शब्द अनेक यो भुवनमा प्यारा र राम्रा तर
    यौटै शब्द छ शब्दकोश भरीकै ‘आमा’ आहा ! सुन्दर !!


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