Some poem of Homnath Subedi होमनाथ सुवेदीका केही कबिताहरु

Some poem of Homnath Subedi होमनाथ सुवेदीका केही कबिताहरु

Homnath Subedi was born on October 5, 1947, in Takam Ward No. 7, Dhaulagiri Rural Municipality, Myagdi, Gandaki Province of Nepal, to Harilal Upadhyaya Subedi and Tulsidevi Subedi. Considering the opportunities against his life and time, Subedi got his early education locally since it was not feasible or appropriate to send small children far away from home in those days.

He started his schooling in 1952 from a privately-run school at Takam initiated by his father. Later, he studied in different institutions: a Brahmachari Ashram in Darakhola, under various well-known scholars. His educational journey took him from the local schools in Myagdi to the prominent ones in Kathmandu, Mathura, Vrindavan, and Varanasi, where he passed the traditional Sanskrit and English studies with distinction. He finished his higher secondary education from Bhopal in 1968.

    Personal Life

    At the age of nine years, Homnath Subedi married Nandadevi Paudel, eldest daughter of Jivannath and Amritadevi Paudel. In 1981, they shifted to Woodbridge, Virginia where this couple reared their family. His eldest son Purushottam Subedi joined them in the USA in 1988, and the rest of the family joined in 1989.

    Career and Literary Contributions

    The contributions of Homnath Subedi to education and literature stand unparalleled. He began his professional life in Nepal as a headmaster and, thereafter, remained engaged in various education and literary activities. He has served at the Nepal Royal Academy, Janak Education Materials Centre, and the Ministry of Education in various capacities.


    In 1981, Subedi went to the USA to attend a scriptwriting training course and later settled in Woodbridge, Virginia, finding work at Best Medical International. While here, his dedication brought him the Employee of the Month award in May 1993, the Employee of the Year in 1994, and several appreciation plaques in recognition of the number of years served with the organization.


    The major novels by Homnath Subedi include "Nyauli," "Yampuriko Mahal," "Ratna," "Trimurti," "Najar," "Vina," "Dyuralai," "Antardaha," "Ankur," and "Darpok Daku." The first published story of Homnath Subedi, "Avivek," was published in the first issue of Himal in 1969. His writings mirror his deep exposure to Eastern and Western philosophy with a great attachment to Nepalese culture and history.


    Activism and Political Engagement

    Subedi was an active participant in various political movements. In 1968, he was put behind bars at the Central Jail in Delhi for participation in the anti-cow slaughter movement. He also remained attached to student politics and served as the organization minister of the Nepali Student Union in Delhi and as vice-president of the Dhaulagiri Student Union, Kathmandu.


    He also participated in organizing political conferences and editing some literary collections. In 1969, he had his first publication of a literary collection entitled "Rachana Sangraha" and included in it his essay entitled "Tritiya Vishwayuddha" or in English, "The Third World War."


    Family and Legacy

    Homnath Subedi's commitment to education, literature, and his root culture has made an indelible mark in both Nepal and the Nepalese diaspora. His relocation to the USA did nothing to diminish his bond with Nepal; through unending writing and publishing of works which resonated from every corner of the world, the community of Nepalese felt heard.


    In 1986, he built a house in Kathmandu to keep his family attached to their roots. The Subedi family has been continuously flourishing in the USA, and their biography has been closely related to their motherland and their host nation.


    Homnath Subedi's life is an example of his attachment toward education, literature, and the preservation of his culture. His contribution continues to inspire future generations of Nepalese home and abroad.


    Later Life and Continuing Contributions Several months later, in December 1981, Homnath Subedi started regular work in the United States with his assignment to a job at the Best Medical International lab, located in Washington, D.C. Over the next years, his work ethic and expertise reaped several prestigious awards-in evidence not only of his commitment to professional excellence but also of his managing quite well in a new country.


    Subedi remained a prolific writer and cultural ambassador for Nepal along with his professional success. Despite the distance to the motherland geographically, he kept on writing to invoke a sense of community among Nepalese people spread all over the world. His novel "Welcome to America," which he wrote under the title "Baraleko Prem," was published online at DC Nepal, showcasing his continued interest in current issues that face many immigrants.


    Awards and Professional Success


    His contributions to the field did not go unnoticed, among them, the following awards were bestowed upon him:


    •           Appreciation Plaques for ten consecutive years of service at Best Medical International in 1991 and again for fifteen years in 1996.


    • employee of the year in 1994.

    • Appreciation Plaques for non-stop carrier from 2000 to 2005 and from 2000 to 2010.

    All this popularity spoke volumes approximately his work ethic and willpower, qualities that have described his profession in each Nepal and the united states.

    Literary Works and Cultural Impact

    Standing tall is the literary legacy of Homnath Subedi, smothered with Nepalese culture-from historical tales to the problems of modern life. Some of the important novels he has written are:


    •           Nyauli


    •           Yampuriko Mahal


    •           Ratna


    •           Trimurti


    •           Najar


    •           Vina


    •           Dyuralai


    •           Antardaha


    •           Ankur


    •           Darpok Daku - still unpublished


    Each of these manifests his deep understanding of both Eastern and Western philosophy and also the commitment he feels toward preserving and promoting Nepalese culture.


    Family and Personal Life

    Subedi came to the United States in 1989 with his whole family to keep them all together and support each other in their new surroundings. His eldest son, Purushottam Subedi, had already joined them a year previously, and together they established their new life in Woodbridge, Virginia.


    Whereas Subedi had lived temporarily in so many places, the decision to settle permanently in Woodbridge showed his interest in stability and continuity for the family. His wife, Nanda Devi Subedi, and the children got along with the new surroundings exceedingly well. They remained culturally close to their roots in Nepal while enjoying life in America.


    Legacy and Philosophical Insights

    From a small village in Nepal to the respected professional and literary figure he stands for in the United States, Homnath Subedi's life itself is an extraordinary story of persistence and commitment. His philosophical insights, gained through much dedication in the study of Eastern and Western thought, have enriched his literary writing, making the works not only culturally important but also intellectually enriching.


    Self-taught in both Eastern and Western philosophies, he also attended classes in scriptwriting and language literature. If all that were not enough, his training in handling radioactive materials further exemplifies the fact that there are so many things he could do.



    The life of Homnath Subedi is a bundle of intellectual pursuit, cultural preservation, and professional excellence. His contributions to Nepalese literature and culture both within Nepal and in diaspora situations have left an indelible mark. His works continue to inspire their readers with deep love for his homeland and ready adjustment to a new environment. That he remains in Woodbridge, Virginia, continuously lives on through his works, his family, and the many lives he has touched through his efforts and his words.

    हामी नेपाली

    नेपाल भित्र बाहिरै विश्वका सारा नेपाली
    पहिचान दिगो राख्न जुटौं हे! हामी नेपाली ।

    पश्चिम पुगी युएस्ए पूर्वमा पुगी जापान
    चन्द्रसूर्यको सारैमा गाउँछौं हामी नेपाली ।

    उत्तर सगरमाथा दक्षिण अफि्रकासम्म
    कामदार फैलिएका व्यापक हामी नेपाली ।

    गल्ली र गल्ली संस्थामा बाटो र घाटो कोठामा
    स्वाभिमानको रक्षामा जुटेका हामी नेपाली ।

    भानुभक्त मोतीराम श्रीदेवकोटा संझेर
    एकताको सूत्रमा छौं आवद्ध हामी नेपाली ।

    लाली गुँरासको रास चौरी गाईको चमर
    साहित्यमा डोलाएर खेलांैला हामी नेपाली ।

    हाम्रो भाषा हाम्रो राष्ट्र शिरमा राखी नेपाली
    उकाली र ओरालीमा नाचांैला हामी नेपाली ।

    आजको स्वतन्त्रता

    मान्छे थिए विविध वर्ग र वर्णताका,
    मार्थे ल शोषण गरेर त दासताका,
    भन्छौं सबै पतन भो पहिलो जमाना,
    स्वातन्त्र्यता र समता अबको खजाना ।

    पैसा बचाउन कुनै अधिकार थे न,
    मिल्थ्यो सबै गृह तथा अरु खर्च थे न,
    पाएर आज अधिकार भयो तमासा,
    ज्याला बुझे नि बिलपे नहुने हताशा ।

    नारी थिए थिचिन ता थिचिए नि पुज्या,
    को पुज्दछन् ल भन आज भए नि वेश्या ?
    स्वातन्त्र्यता परम धर्म भनेर नारी,
    नाचे सरी अलगिए समुदाय पारी ।

    सम्मान्य वर्ग वरणीय त सत्य नै हो,
    तल्लो त वर्ग सबको प्रिय पात्र नै हो,
    ज्ञाता भएर सबले व्यवहार गर्थे,
    स्वातन्त्र्यता नि । अहिले अपमान नै भो ।

    बिग्रेर वर्ग अनि वर्ण पिटेर सारा,
    स्वातन्त्र्यको दुरुपयोग भयो नि पूरा,
    विध्वंशको शिखरमै पहिला पुगेर,
    भन्छन् स्वतन्त्र भइयो नि मुखै थिचेर ।

    आयो नयाँ मुलुकको सुकिलो जमाना,
    भन्छन् स्वतन्त्र सब छौं धनमा समाना,
    उल्टो छ वास्तविकता अहिले गलीमा,
    मान्छे भयो कुकुर तुल्य नि दासतामा ।

    असीम नेपाल

    सीमा नाघी बढेको भुवनभर अहोे! जात हाम्रो धकेल्दै,
    फैलेको जात हो यो अझ अगि बढ हे! भाइलाई उचाल्दै,
    पीडा होलान् हजारौं शहर नहरका भाग गोदेर पेल्दै,
    झन्डा आफ्नो स्वयम् नै लहलह हलले गाड माथा उचाल्दै ।
    हाम्रो नेपाल राम्रो वरिपरि सबमा मौसमी फूल जस्तो,
    टर्रो पीरो अलिकति हरमा दुःख पीडा छ जस्तो,
    नेपाली हौं प्रवासी तर पनि मनमा राज्य सत्ता छ जस्तो,
    हामी लड्छौं विदेशै पनि अधिकृत भै बाघको वाण जस्तो ।
    हाम्रो नेपाल राम्रो चहचह चहले चम्किएको चितामा,
    अर्काको देशमा छौं लहलह लहले हल्लिएको बुटामा,
    आशा मारेर बाँच्छौं ढलपल जल झैं हल्लिने कर्कलामा,
    नेपाली राष्ट्र हाम्रो विकसित जगमा स्थापना गर्न आमा!
    हाम्रो नेपाल आयो टकटक टकले विश्वको माझ आज,
    बोकी भारी कलाको छुपुछुपु छुपु लौ फैलियो रोग आज!
    नेपाली निक्लियो रे तन मन धनले देश छोडेर लाज,
    ‘डायस्पोरा’ भयो राष्ट्र ल डम डम डमले गर्छ नेपाल राज ।

    बलेवाका मामा

    बलेवाका मामा दमकभरका पण्डित ठुला
    थियौ ज्ञानी ध्यानी वदन रसिला दन्त सुकिला
    यता आऊ च्याप्छौं स्मृतिपटलमा मातुल-कला
    छ यो वाचा आमा ! भनिदिनुन है ठाउँ छ खुला ।

    गयौ मामा मेरा सकल ममता बञ्चित म छु
    बितायौ छोडेर विकल टुहुरो चिन्तित म छु
    थिएँ एक्लै पैलै अझ पनि डुबायौ विकृत छु
    न मारे है माया वर र परको मन्थन म छु ।

    गरें मैले भूलै कतिपय बिते बाहिर दिन
    न संझेका हैनौं तर पनि भुलें मावल किन ?
    छ सन्ध्याको कालो व्यवहृत यहाँ हा ! छिन छिन
    छिनिस् काले तैँले प्रिय परम मामा किन, किन ?

    बिताएँ पैसामा अलिकति बचेको युवतिमा
    जुवा खेली खाएँ तर अगतिलो त्यो व्यसनमा
    बचेको मौकामा पनि तरल रक्सी छिन छिन
    पिई फालें मैले समय बितिगो के गरूँ झन ।

    छ रोएको नाथे हवन सब भो कालकुटमा
    छ ढोएको पाले डलरसित सुत्ने निकटमा
    न जानेको कालो करतुत कहाँ काल महिमा
    डुबिस् रोइस् ऐले मृतक प्रिय मामाको निधनमा ।

    अमेरिका आई तलवितलमा आश्रति म छु
    गयौ मामा स्वर्गै अझ बिछुडिएको झन म छु
    फुटे मेरा आँखा धन-पति-त भान्जो द्रवित छु
    क्षमा देऊ मामा गुरुवर थियौ लज्जित म छु ।

    दीपावलीको शुभकामना  

    त्यो सूर्यमा ग्रहण लाग्छ सदा रहन्न
    यो देशमा दुर्दिन आउछ भाग्न हुन्न
    मान्छेहरु चरित्रघात गरेर लुट्छन्
    दीपावली अगि बढे अब सह्य हुन्न ।

    लौ अन्धकार सब नै निचरेर आयो
    मान्छे निशाचरहरु निमठेर आयो
    मारेर धूर्त सतको पथ खोल्न आयो
    दीपावली सुख र शान्ति लिएर आयो ।

    द्यौसी सुनी ह्दयमा अति घाम लाग्छ
    लाली गुराँससित मङ्गल कामना छ
    बालौं बलौं विजय यो नव दीपमा छ
    बाडौं अथाह मुटुको सुभकामना छ ।


    दीपावली जलाएको आंैसीको रात देखियो
    सदा हार कहीँ हुन्न खुसीको हार लाइयो ।

    भेटे जस्तो हुँदैहुन्न भगिनी भाइको कुरो
    दीपावली समाएर पार लागिन्छ सेतु यो ।

    दीपावली सदा आयो देखिएन पवित्रता
    गणतन्त्र उदाएर देखियो यो विचित्रता ।

    राजालाई लखेटेर कुकुरै नि पुजाउन
    साना साना सबै लागे दीपावली जलाउन ।

    वलिष्टको कुरो होइन घनिष्टको महत्व छ
    पुँजीको धाकले होइन मान्छेमा त्यो महत्व छ ।

    ठूला साना नदेखेर सबैको अर्चना गरौं
    जता जान्छौं उतै हाम्रो पहिचान दिइरहौं ।

    नेपाली जातिको चाड दीपावली अमूल्य छ
    दाजुभाइ दिदीबहिनी बाँध्नलाई अचुक छ ।

    दीपावली बलाएर यमलोक सुधारियो
    विजय-गान गाएर भैलोलाई उतारियो ।

    दिदीबैनी सबैलाई विजय-गीत गाउन
    भाइटीका लगाएर गरौं है अभिनन्दन ।

    मुमाको हातको सेल खानलाई तयार हो !
    दीपावली मनाएको नेपाली पहिचान हो ।

    लक्ष्मीपूजा थियो चाड देवकोटा नजन्मिँदै
    जन्मले देवकोटाको थप्यो आड नभत्किँदै ।

    जयन्ती देवकोटाको सय वर्षमनाइयो
    डायास्पोरा पहिचान नेपालीको गराइयो ।

    देशमा होस् वा विदेशैमा नवज्योति जलाइयो
    विजयोल्लासका साथ वृद्धि होस् भन्न पाइयो ।

    नयाँ नेपालमा आयो दीपावली नवीनको
    अन्तर्रर्ाा्रभरि छायो फूलमाला अभिन्नको ।

    डायास्पोराभरि ऐले दीपावली छ सम्झना
    संसारभरका लागि नेपाली शुभकामना ।

    मङ्गल-कामना गर्छुख-शान्ति-समृद्धिका
    डायास्पोरा बनोस् काव्य दीपावली समस्तको ।

    पेन’ हङकङमा

    एच्के नेपालको यात्रा हङकङ भरी गरें
    अनेसास समाएर शाखामा चोप्छु ‘पेन’ हे !
    देश सुब्बा, उपन्यस्त सल्लाह-कार छन् भने
    महासचिव शाखाका सम्वाहाम्फे बने भने ।
    तमू अध्यक्षमा बस्दा नेपाली र चुरा थिए
    अनेसास बनाएर एच्केमा शासनै गरे ।
    संस्थाको स्थापना बेला फाँडेर जङ्गलैहरू
    पशनैले गरे दुःख धन्यवाद दिए बरु ।
    ऐले ता फेरियो दिन पशन केन्द्रमा गए
    चामलिङ भए नेता अध्यक्ष चण्डिका भए ।
    टंकको साथले ऐले प्रकाश कार्यमा जुटे
    सुब्बा सल्लाहमा आए नयाँ निर्वाचनै गरे ।
    नेता माथि सरे सर्छन् अरुमा गति आउँछ
    प्रगतिको नमूना हो लोकतन्त्र फलाउँछ ।
    साहित्यकारको काम लेख्नु मात्र हुदैन है
    उदाहरण नै बन्नु न सके लेख्न हुन्न है ।
    कोरा भाषणले मात्र साहित्य बिक्न सक्दछ
    मन मस्तिष्कको साथ कविले हिड्नुपर्दछ ।
    निर्वाचन सभामा होस् छानियुन् कवि प्रेमले
    प्रतिस्पर्धा गरुन् जित्न नगरे र्झछ कर्मले ।
    लेख्ने मात्र गफाडी हो लेखेर गर्नु उत्तम
    कुरा झैं काममा आउन् साहित्यकार भन्छु म ।
    लोकतन्त्र जमानाका आदि हुन् लेखकैहरू
    निर्वाचन गरी भोगुन् आआफ्ना पदवीहरू ।
    साहित्यकारको संस्था सहृदयी भयो भने
    राजनीति झुटो हुन्न लोकतन्त्र रहृयो भने ।
    स्वार्थको लागि लड्नेले नारा मात्र लगाउँछ
    कलामा बोल्न सक्नेले सत्यको लागि लड्दछ ।
    अनेसास नमूना हो अभ्यास लोकतन्त्रको
    साहित्यकारले गर्ने सीमाभित्र चुनाउको ।
    अनेसास बनोस् यौटा आदर्श लोकतन्त्रको
    दार्शनिक कथाकार स्वयम् नापोस् चरित्रको ।
    लेखेर गाली गर्नाले मात्र हुन्न पदोन्नति
    ढोगको मूर्ति पूजाले पाइन्न मुक्ति सङ्गति ।
    लेखौं यथार्थ भाषाको कला पोतेर सागर
    मानवीय व्यथा पोखी ‘डायस्पोरा’ ‘बद’ सत्त्वर ।
    लेखनीमा समाएर ‘इन्टर्नेट’ भरी थिए
    जमिनमा चुनाएर डायस्पोरा परी भए ।
    धन्यवाद तमूलाई वधाई चामलिङ्गमा
    निर्वाचित सबैलाई कामना सत्य जित्नमा ।
    हङकङ गई दङ्ग भएर ‘पेन’ पल्टिएँ
    ‘पेन’ हुँ पीरले घुम्दा तपाईहरूमा पसें ।
    यायावर म हुँ यौटा देखेको लेख्न सक्तछु
    ‘पेन’ हुँ पेटमा राखी मसीले पोख्न सक्दछु ।
    माफ गर्नू विदा हुन्छु अर्को देश म पुग्नुछ
    कुरा धेरै छुटे होलान् ‘लन्च’को लागि जानुछ 

    मान्छे हो वा खान्चे 

    मान्छे हो वा खान्चे? ए कको प्रगतिमा अर्को तगारो हुन्छ,

    युद्ध हो वा बुद्ध संप्रभूताको मदानीमा थारो हुन्छ ।

    प्रगतिपथमा गरालो आए भाँचेर अगाडि बड्नुहोस्

    लड्ने हैन बरु भाँच्न नसके लर्केर जानु तारो हुन्छ ।

    मान्छेको यो जातै त्यस्तो लड्न थाले निस्सिम लडिरहन्छ

    भिड््रन थाले भिडाइ सकिन्न कुतर्कको सीमा सारो हुन्छ?

    बुझ्नेसित बुद्धि लडाउनु न बुझ्ने कुकुर छुनै हुन्न,

    गल्जेव्रासित प्यार न गर्नू, फुक्दै न फुक्ने कमारो हुन्छ ।

    उठेको डाहले मरेको लाशलाई पनि लातीले हान्छ,

    मान्छेले के धोका दिन्छ, थाहा हुन्न, यो महान् छेपारो हुन्छ ।

    अनेसासमा ऐले

    अनेसासमा ऐले नेपाल नै ‘भोट’ बनेर आयो

    भोटैले घरको ऐना लौ दुइचिरा परेर आयो ।

    अनेसासको चुनाउमा ऐले तँछाडमछाड भो

    कल्ले जित्ने कल्ले हार्ने कस्तो विवाद गढेर आयो ।

    हुनै पर्छ निर्वाचन, स्वस्थ प्रतिस्पर्धाको लागि होस्

    लडे, चुनाउपछि दुवै पार्टी एक परेर आयो ।

    पछाडिबाट छुरी हान्ने हैन, तरलाउने हैन,

    बरु हार्नेलाई नै च्याप्ने लोकमत थपेर आयो ।

    पूर्वाग्रहले आक्षेप लाउनेले उँधोमुन्टो लायो

    निर्वाचनको विवाद यौटा नजीर जपेर आयो ।

    चुनाउमा कुरौटेले उमेद्वारी दिन सक्नुपर्छ

    भोटै पनि न दिनेलाई हाँक आफैं डटेर आयो ।

    जो बलियो, जसले गर्छ, ऊ नै ठहर्छ, अर्को हट्छ

    अनेसासमा लोकमत यो सिद्धान्त भएर आयो ।

    सार्वजनिक संस्था हो यो अनेसासको कुरै छैन

    प्रतिस्पर्धा गर्ने जेता, नेता त झन्डा गनेर आयो ।


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