Top Nepali Poem Of Durgalal Shrestha दुर्गालाल श्रेष्ठका केही कबिताहरु

Top Nepali Poem Of Durgalal Shrestha दुर्गालाल श्रेष्ठका केही कबिताहरु


Durgalal Shrestha was born in 1992 BS, Thambahil, Jhwabhu, Kathmandu, to father Ganeshlal Shrestha and mother Ashamoti Shrestha. He is one of the most popular litterateurs in Nepali literature. He is attached to poetry, wherein he has reflected the struggle, emotions, and realities of society for a time span of over five decades. Whether voicing pain or articulating the pulse of the people, Durgalal's poems essentially echoed sincerity and strength. For him, poetry is not just a matter of words; it is a lifelong pursuit-a manner to touch divinity inside, and a legacy with which he wants to continue till his last breath.


    Early Life and Inspiration


    Durgalal grew up in Kathmandu, a city steeped in rich cultural heritage; literature and the arts were part of the community. His initiation into the world of literature began at a tender age. In his childhood, he often faced the pain of being avoided and being treated without respect, which in later times flowed into poetry as a vent for frustration and anger. Poetry first came to him as a companio-n-to fight against societal wrongs and to nurture his emotions.



    He first entered the arena of literature through drama. When he was only 11 years old, Durgalal participated in a play called Sattal Singh Maharaj with other neighborhood children. He had started by watching rehearsals from outside, but an incident where some of the other actors teased him good-naturedly fired the determination to participate. It was here that the interest in performing arts and literature took root. During these early years, the experiences gained brought precious lessons that would provide the foundation for the future poet and writer.

    Making of a Poet


    Durgalal started his poetic journey in the 1960s, and his maiden anthology, Jhasuka (Sigh), was written in Nepal Bhasa or Newari. It came out in 2014 BS, corresponding to 1957 AD. His works reflected the deep emotional core of his early writings on love and personal longing. The second, Lisan, came three years later and reflected a shift to the profound experiences of life and an observation of society. A growth as a poet, Durgalal began to weave into his work labyrinthine themes of love, pain, and the human condition.


    His sad and emotionally full poetry made him be known by the nick "Khwa Bilu" among his peers as he started off. This later stuck when one writer by the name of Prem Bahadur Kasi jokingly referred to Durgalal's poems as tear-filled, touching the hearts of listeners at literary gatherings.




    Contribution to Literature and Language:

    Durgalal Shrestha is not only a poet but also a front runner in the campaign for promotion of Nepal Bhasa-the mother tongue of the Newars. During the last sixty years, his creations have enriched Nepali literature in the genres like poetry, songs, and children's literature. His works are basically written in Nepal Bhasa, though they have seen translations into Nepali, Hindi, and English to reach a greater number of readers. His favorite poets include Shelley, Wordsworth, John Keats, Nirala, Yogbir Singh, Laxmi Prasad Devkota, and Siddhicharan Shrestha among others.


    His way came one of the most prestigious recognitions for literature in Nepal-the Jagadamba Shree Award, in 2067 BS. In the year 2003, he was conferred with the title "Janakavi"-People's Poet-by the Nepal Bhasa Parishad, a fact that has testified to his role as the voice of the people, especially through his poetry depicting the fight of society.


    The Teacher Who Inspired Creativity

    His love for literature continued with teaching, too. He taught Nepal Bhasa at Kanya Mandir School in Kathmandu without a break for 25 years. He never taught by course; rather, he would ask his students to compose poems, songs and stories. He himself would sit in the class and scribble verses along with the children. He nurtured creativity and free expression; hence, many of his students remember him as a mentor who taught the beauty of writing from the heart. Later PhD in education, Suman Tuladhar remembers how Durgalal taught them free writing -a practice that shaped her own career in literature.

    Poetry of Social Consciousness

    Durgalal's poetry portrays the hectic emotional and social relevance of his time. He perfectly welds rhythm, rhyme, and sweet words into a beautiful work that directly speaks to the souls of the people. The themes in most of his works are those of suffering, identification, and hope. Much of his writings speak volumes of Nepal and its people, echoing poignantly and powerfully their struggles.


    His some worthy productions are Chiniyamha Kisicha, a collection of children's poems published in 2021 BS, which is 1964 AD. Some of these poems have been developed from teaching children and thus reflect his capability for relating to younger audiences, though still maintaining the richness and depth within his poetic voice.


    Recognition and Legacy

    Durgalal has published more than 80 works: 50 in Nepal Bhasa and 30 in Nepali. His works range from children's literature to deeply philosophical ones. He is known for his commitment to the promotion of Nepal Bhasa through his writing and advocacy. Besides the Jagadamba Shree and Janakavi titles, he has received various awards throughout his career.


    From among all his successes, Durgalal remains humble; he accords much of the success to the guidance of others. Time and again, he has spoken with a sense of deep gratitude about those influencing his journey. His former headmaster Kedarnath Neupane, whom he referred to as his "God," for encouraging him to continue writing and teaching.




    Continuing the Journey

    Till the age of 82 years, Durgalal had been a regular activity in the literary fields. He is still on with writing poems, songs, and plays-pushing his creativity to the utmost limits at all times. His commitment to poetry is clear evidence that even today-after decades of contribution in this field, he remains fervent towards the written words. He remains in touch with the roots regarding Nepal Bhasa, standing on and by the language, keeping it alive and functioning in the field of culture and literature in Nepal.

    The life and the works of Durgalal Shrestha stand as a testimony to the power of literature in inspiration, healing, and transformation. His journey, from peering into the theatre's rehearsal as a little boy to being one of the most celebrated poets in Nepal, was not less than a sway between resilience, creativity, and deep love for the language. Indeed, his poems are filled with life's sorrows and joys, still echoing in the hearts of readers and listeners; thus, Durgalal's name will endure for many years.

    फूल, कविता र म

    फूल हेर्दै गर्दा कैले

    कस्तो-कस्तो हुन्छ,

    कता-कता भित्र मलाई

    कविताले छुन्छ !

    पातमाथि पात न हो

    के छ उसको तन,

    त्यसैले नै कसो-कसो

    के के हुन्छ मन !

    हावा देख्यो कि त काम्यो

    कति कमजोर,

    तर त्यसको कम्पनले

    पर्छ मलाई तोड !

    यस्तो किन हुन्छ अरे

    मलाई थाहा छैन,

    कस्तो हुन्छ त्यो कविता

    कैल्यै देख्या हैन !

    नेपाली आवाज

    राम्रोमा राम्रो कुनै छ भने नेपालै राम्रो छ
    धन्य हौं हामी यत्तिको राम्रो नेपालै हाम्रो छ ।

    अग्लोमा अग्लो यहीं छ हाम्रो हिउँको पहाड
    बेग्लैको मेला बेग्लैको पर्व बेग्लैको चहाड
    मर्दैनौं हामी नमर्ने कला संस्कृति हाम्रो छ ।

    भिन्नै भए नि के भो र बाटो भिन्नै होस् जपना
    तिम्रो र हाम्रो सबैको तर यौटै होस् सपना
    मर्दैन देश नझुक्ने जहाँ साहसै हाम्रो छ ।

    यो मुख खोल्दा सबैले सुनून् नेपाल बोलेको
    सबैले देखून् नेपालले नै हृदय खोलेको
    संसारबासी सबैले भनून् नेपालै राम्रो छ ।

    यो पाउ जहाँ टेकिन्छ त्यहाँ नेपाल फुल्नेछ
    यो श्वासपिच्छे सुगन्ध भई नेपाल डुल्नेछ
    हामीलाई आफ्नो यो ज्यानभन्दा नेपालै प्यारो छ ।

    सफल प्रहसन

    स्वागतनिम्ति उभेकाहरूको
    फूल हातका वैलिसके ।

    फूर्तिवाज आयोजकहरूको
    मुखमण्डल पनि मैलिसके ।

    दिन ढल्किसक्यो, कति फर्किसके
    प्रमुख अतिथि आएन अझै

    सभाभवन मूर्दाझैँ वाल्ल
    नाटक सकियो कति सहजै ।

    वलिदानी वेग  

    फूल्न त हो है ढक्क फुलेकै
    अज बगरमा फूल
    तर कसरी म भनूँ कि यही हो
    परिवर्तन आमूल

    अज तिमीलाई जनताले
    जब पहिरायो जीत
    अहह ! तिमीले पनि उल्टै पो
    गाउन थाल्यौ गीत -

    'ब्वाँसोले पनि पाओस बाँच्न
    जन्तु हुँदै हो खास
    उसले पनि हाम्रो गोठैमा
    पाओस् सजिलै बास'

    सत्ता - यो नेपाली सत्ता
    के हो यसको जात ?
    जो आएपनि पाएकै छ
    जनताले आघात !

    भत्काई नारांहिटिलाई
    पारे पनि पातल,
    राजतन्त्र मेटिन्न यहाँ है
    हुन्न नयाँ नेपाल !

    हैन हैन नारांहिटि हैन
    राजतन्त्रको बास
    त्यसको प्राण त नेताकै हो
    राजा बन्ने प्यास !

    तर वलिदानी वेग समयको
    अब रुक्ने छैन,
    बाटो छेक्ने कोही नेता
    अब बच्ने छैन !

    रित्ता गाग्राको रुक्खो स्वर 

    आज सखारै रित्तो गाग्रो
    देख्छु रुँदै भौँतारिरहेको !
    हुन्छु म जति पर उति नै त्यो स्वर
    हेर न वरवर आइरहेको !

    रुक्खो स्वर हो तर त्यसले पनि
    यति गहिरीकन भित्र छुँदैछ,
    पत्थर मन पनि पग्ली पग्ली
    जलमय मेरो नेत्र हुँदैछ !

    पस्दै छ अहो ! अझ पस्दैछ
    त्यो स्वर यति पस्दैछ मभित्र,
    लाग्छ मलाई हृदयविदारक
    करुण कथा पढ्दैछु सचित्र !

    झनिो स्वरको रूपै बदल्यो
    कड्कन थाल्यो अहह ! अचम्म !
    सागर भैकन उर्लन थाल्यो
    खहरे नै थ्यो जुन अघिसम्म !

    देखेँ देखेँ अब त्यो स्वरमा
    मकै फुरेको घैलो देखेँ !
    उघ्रिन उघ्रिन लागेको त्यो
    इन्कलाबको दैलो देखेँ !

    प्रेम दिवस 

    आज व्याप्त छ व्योममण्डल
    दीप्त प्रेमपरागले
    दिन घमैलो पनि छ रक्तिम
    स्वप्नयुक्त सुहागले
    देख्छु चुनरी फरफराई
    उडिरहेको कल्पना
    शून्यमा पनि सुन्छु प्रेमी-
    प्रेमिकाको जल्पना
    खै, छहारीमा छहारी
    न त छ कुञ्जै, कुञ्जमा
    देख्छु सब परिणत भएझैँ
    विजन प्रेमै-पुञ्जमा
    चल्छ मन उद्दीप्त पार्दै
    आज हावा पागल
    नभ-नयन-गाजल समानै
    कति सुशोभित बादल
    प्रेमदिवस रहेछ यो क्षण
    पत्थरै पनि पग्लिने
    बगर-डगर जलाम्य पार्दै
    प्रेमबाढी उर्लिने
    प्रेमदिवस छ यति सुखद यो
    एकदिन मात्रै किन
    जीवनै सप्रेम बाचौँ
    होस् न बरु एकैछिन ।

    धर्म ध्वनि  

    धर्मको ध्वनि फैलियोस्
    बुद्ध-वाणी गुञ्जियोस् !
    विश्व नै ढकमक्क पारी
    शान्ति फूल फुलिरहोस् !

    एक नै सब हो सबै बुझ
    एक हो है, एक हो
    मर्म यो नै धर्म हो है
    बुद्धको सद्धर्म हो !
    जनजनैको मनमनै यो
    मन्त्र घननन घन्कियोस् !
    धर्मको ध्वनि फैलियोस्
    बुद्ध-वाणी गुञ्जियोस् !

    धर्म यस्तो चीज हो
    जुन हुन्न जात र पातमा,
    बुद्ध-आँखाले बिहान
    देख्छ कालो रातमा !
    प्राणी सबको हृदयमा त्यो
    दिव्य ज्योति झलल्ल होस् !
    धर्मको ध्वनि फैलियोस्
    बुद्ध-वाणी गुञ्जियोस् !

    बौद्ध, हिन्दू, जैन के हो ?
    धर्म आखिर धर्म हो
    घाउ दुख्छ भनेर सबले
    बुझ्नुपर्ने मर्म हो
    चर्म-रङ्ग अनेक बिर्सी
    मन परस्पर एक होस्
    धर्मको ध्वनि फैलियोस्
    बुद्ध-वाणी गुञ्जियोस् !

    'शान्ति भन्दै जति जपे पनि
    हैन है त्यो आउने,
    शान्ति निर्मल चित्तमाझै-
    मात्र हैन र छाउने ?'
    बुद्धको यो दर्शनले
    चेतना हाम्रो खुलोस् !
    धर्मको ध्वनि फैलियोस्
    बुद्ध-वाणी गुञ्जियोस् !

    धन्य हे नेपाल आमा !
    धन्य तिम्रो लुम्बिनी !
    धन्य गौतम विश्वका हे
    शान्तिनायक अग्रणी !
    प्रकट होस् त्यो शान्ति तिम्रो
    धर्ती सङ्कट मुक्त होस् !

    धर्मको ध्वनि फैलियोस्
    बुद्ध-वाणी गुञ्जियोस् !

    दुर्दिनको यौटा दृश्य 

    रात गयो,
    बिहान आउला,
    के–केन गरूँ झैँ कत्रो आस ।
    तर खै?...
    न मिर्मिर, न चिर्बिर
    न गतिमा गति छ
    न जीवनमै जीवन;
    विरक्तिको बर्कोभित्र,
    चिहानी सन्नझैँ
    चुपचाप छ वातावरण ।

    घरी–घरी भित्र असह्रय शूलको चस्को दिँदै
    मृत्युको हातझैँ रिङ्दै छ
    चिसो–चिसो बतास;
    बिहानी मरेको बिहानलाई
    एकटकले नियाल्दै छ
    विह्रवल हुँदै अनायास;
     निःशब्द सिमसिमे कोठामा
    ओर्लिरहेछ आकाश ।
    जीउभरि आँखैआँखा
    ट्वाल्ल उघारी एकतमास
    आँसु र हाँसोको सङ्गीतमय
    बिम्झाइको विम्बजस्तै
    ठडिइरहेछ प्रत्येक घाँस ।
    निराश–निराशको तुवाँलोमा
    पलाउँदै छिटफुट आस
    आँधी कुरेझैँ अडिग/अचल
    गुम्म–गुम्म परिवेश;
    यो क्षण म देख्दै छु
    प्रकृतिको क्यानभासमा
    सिङ्गो मेरो देश ।

    दुई थोपा 

    तिमी पनि थोपा
    म पनि थोपा
    जर्जर माटोमा
    कमलको पातबाट तप्किएका हामी
    पानीका दुई थोपा

    तिम्रो इच्छा
    मेरो पनि इच्छा
    समुद्र हैन कि
    दुई थोपाको
    मात्र एक धर्सो बन्ने इच्छा

    म आउँछु
    तिमी पनि आइदेऊ यता
    आउँदाआउँदै धर्सो बन्न नसके
    नबनुँला के भो र ।

    सुकेर जाला; गए जाओस्
    तलको सट्टा माथि
    धर्सोको ढिको होला
    फरक अर्को के नै होला र ।

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