Some Nepali Poem of Hem Hamal हेम हमालका केही कबिताहरु

Spme Nepali Poem of Hem Hamal हेम हमालका केही कबिताहरु

Hem Hamal was born on September 7, 1941, in Baneshwar, Kathmandu, to a less-renowned family. He had undertaken a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Communications. Later on, he dedicated his life to literature and poetry. Throughout his career, the poetic expressions of Hamal reflected the voices of rural and urban Nepal and reflected the essence of human experience.



    Early Life and Education


    Although born in Baneshwar, Kathmandu, the literary world was acquainted with Hem Hamal early in his life. Having received his education in Nepal, he spread his wings internationally, traveling throughout Asia, Africa, Europe, and America, which has framed his worldviews and influenced his writing. His academic communications background gave him an M.A. degree with the astute ability to combine the art of storytelling with the flavor of daily life in the poetry he writes.


    Literary Contributions


    Hem Hamal's poetic voice was unique. His works, small in size, were intense and used images to reach his readers. He made his entry into Nepali literature through the highly acclaimed literary magazine "Ruprekha." From there onwards, his poetic career took off and continued to produce quite a few important works.


    Major Publications


    "यो शहर छाड्नु भन्दा पहिले" Before Leaving This City, 1972: His maiden poetry collection talked about the changing landscape of Kathmandu-the juxtaposition of rural and urban life. "गाउँ गाउँ जस्तो छैन, शहर शहर जस्तो छैन" (The Village Is No Longer a Village, The City Is No Longer a City) - 1982: Another milestone in his writing, this caught the rapid course of urbanization and what it had done to the traditional ways of life.


    "Marketing Family Planning in Nepal": More pragmatic, with educational aspects concerning family planning.


    "Population Education for Nepal": A contribution to the fastgrowing field of population studies in Nepal.


    Aside from these original works, Hamal's poems, articles, and essays appeared in various Nepali magazines and journals that established him as a poet of note in the 1970s and 1980s.


    Poetic Style and Themes


    In nature, Hem Hamal's poems were brief; they burst with fast-moving powerful imagery. One of the greatest merits of his poetry was that it could evoke profound emotions and thoughts even in a few lines. In fact, quite a good number of his poems have addressed changes in society, the disrupting gap-widening between rural and urban Nepal, and personal experiences involved in such transitions. Indeed, one of the most celebrated of his works happens to be the universally resonant timeless piece "Sharanarthi" or Refugee.


    His literary style was different, immensely symbolic, and yet simple enough to be appreciated by readers of every form. His works echoed the complexities of human emotions often juxtaposed against the backdrop of an evolving Nepali social and cultural fabric.


    Awards and Recognition


    The contribution of Hem Hamal toward Nepali literature did not go unnoticed, even though he kept a relatively low profile in the later years of his life. His awards included:


    Ratnashree Gold Medal-1964-for contribution to Nepali literature.




    Shubh Rajyabhishek Medal-1974-honor in the royal coronation celebrations.


    These awards claimed his literary excellence and his influence in shaping modern Nepali poetry.


    Personal Life and Later Years


    Hem Hamal kept most of his life very private. He lived a very un-ostentatious life in his house called "Bisouni" in Baneshwar, Kathmandu. During his last days, he had become fairly reclusive from mainstream literary circles and was mostly occupied with nursing his health as he was suffering from kidney-related ailments. The result of this self-imposed retirement had led many to believe that he was no more active or, for that matter, forgotten in Nepali literature.


    This withdrawal did not, however, remove the influence of Hamal among those who had worked closely with him. Most of the then-reigning poets and writers never forgot his contribution and often included his works in various anthologies and studies on Nepali literature.


    Dhadkan Ra Smritiysansthar


    Established litterateur Govinda Giri Prerana remembered the first meeting with Hem Hamal, dated 1981 during a literary seminar organized by the Literary Journalists Association. According to him, Hamal was a warm-hearted and hospitable character truly attached to Nepali literature. Prerana, along with his other contemporaries such as Ashesh Malla and Jagadish Ghimire, worked hand in glove with Hem Hamal during the initial years of their respective careers.


    In fact, Ashesh Malla proved instrumental in bringing together and publishing the second poetry collection of Hem Hamal, "गाउँ गाउँ जस्तो छैन, शहर शहर जस्तो छैन". This collection was a test of time as to how close-knit the literary circles of those days were with poets often collating and helping each other with their works.


    Later Publications and Legacy


    Even in his retirement from the limelight, Hem Hamal continued to write. His third poetry collection, "Hem Hamal ka Kavita" (Hem Hamal's Poems), was published with support from Govinda Giri Prerana, who edited the collection. Much later in 2006, his last collection, "शहर सपना" (The City and Dreams), came out from Ratna Pustak Bhandar, one of Nepal's leading publishing houses.


    Although Hem Hamal remained out of the limelight in his later years, he carried a lot of weight with his works in Nepali poetry. Even today, his poems echo in readers' hearts, echoing Nepal's social transitions and the inward mechanism of human emotion. He was one of those important poets to represent the more accessible and straightforward stream of Nepali poetry-together with greats like Bhupi Sherchan and Bhashu Shashi.




    The reclusive nature of Hem Hamal might have avoided the limelight, but his poems speak volumes even today on life and its changes, on the Nepali spirit. A voyage inscribed with simplicity and depth still remains an important chapter in the story of Nepali poetry. Although he spent the latter end of his life away from the literary mainstream, his work even now continues to inspire and fascinate people, thereby proving that his voice would flow on down the ages in Nepali literature.


    त्रिभुवन विमानघाटदेखि
    काठमाडौं इन्द्रचोकसम्म आउँदा
    ट्याक्सीको पछाडि सिटमा
    मेरो झोला हराएछ ।

    त्यो झोलाको रंग सेतो छ
    खाली-खाली झोलामा छैन, काम लाग्ने केही पनि
    धनमाल नोक्सानीको कुरा हुँदै होइन
    झोलामा एक टुक्रा इमान थियो
    अड्केको त्यो झोलामा
    अब ट्याक्सीमा छुट्यो त्यही इमानको झोला
    मेरो यात्राको सिलसिलामा ।

    कुनै महानुभावले
    त्यो झोला पाउनुभयो भने
    कृपया नभएको मेरो फोनमा खबर गरिदिनुहोला
    या नभएको मेरो पोस्टबक्समा सूचना हालिदिनुहोला
    मेरो इमान कुनै पनि हालतमा
    मलाई फिर्ता चाहिन्छ
    मलाई बाहेक
    वस्तुतःकुनै अरू नेपालीलाई काम लाग्दैन ।

    तिम्रो मेरो र हाम्रो देश

    देशमा गुजारा गर्थेँ
    त्यो देशलाई आफ्नो निजी सम्पत्ति ठानेर
    मैले उल्टाउने, पल्टाउने र च्यात्न थालेँ ।

    देश नाङ्गो भए पनि
    म कसिकसाउ हुँदै गएँ
    कसैको हात पर्ला कि भनेर
    चारैतिरबाट समुद्र बिछाएँ
    र छालले छेकेँ
    यो देशलाई मैले लुकाइराखेको छु
    मेरो पोल्टामा
    मेरो खल्तीमा ।

    बेसरम नाङ्गै देखाइदिए सिङ्गै देशलाई
    र म आत्मग्लानिले सर्वाङ्ग ढलेछु
    त्यसै दिनदेखि देशले चारैतिर ढोका खोल्यो र शंख बजायो
    मगमग बास्ना आउने धुप सल्कायो
    देश त्यस क्षणदेखि सबैको भयो
    तिम्रो, मेरो र हाम्रो ।


    म सधैँ
    बसाइँ सरेको सपना देख्छु
    नयाँ गाउँमा पुग्छु
    इँटा जोडेर नयाँ घर बनाइरहेको हुन्छु
    कता हो कता

    पहाडको टुप्पामा
    युक्लिप्टसको रूखको फेदलाई
    अङ्कमाल गर्न पुग्छु
    त्यतिखेर मैले नयाँ पोसाक फेरेको हुन्छु
    यस्तैमा कुइरो लागेर
    सबै थोक ढाकेको देख्छु।

    सेतो गुलाफमा
    बिस्तारै रातो रङ चढ्दै आएको देख्छु
    नीलो क्षितिजमा
    इन्द्रेनीले रङ भर्दै गरेको देख्छु
    अरू कसैकी भइसकेकी प्रेमिकाको सपना देख्छु
    रमाइलो मान्दै चिप्लेटी खेलिरहन्छु।
    जतिपल्ट घिस्रेर तलसम्म पुग्छु
    उतिपल्ट हिमालको टाकुरामा पुगिसक्छु
    म सधैँ सेतो घोडा चढेर
    पहाड उक्लिरहेको हुन्छु।

    म सधैँ सपनामा
    नाम नभएको देशमा पुग्छु
    बिनानामका मानिसहरूलाई भेट्छु
    आँखाहरू मात्रै
    हातहरू मात्रै
    कहिले खुट्टाहरू मात्रै भेट्छु।

    कुनै–कुनै मानिसको मुटु
    छातीबाहिर लत्रेको देख्छु
    कसैको हातभरि गिदी
    कसैको हातभरि हात
    र कसैको मुटुभरि पेट देख्छु।

    म सधैँ सपनामा
    हिँड्दाहिँड्दै मान्छे
    बाटामै बिलाएको देख्छु।
    सडक मानिसमाथि दौडिरहेको देख्छु
    सहरभरि खोलैखोला भुमरी परिरहेको देख्छु
    त्यस खोलाले
    मानिसको इमान र सम्मान बगाएको देख्छु।

    म सधैँ सपनामा
    आकाश ढाकेर सलह आइरहेको देख्छु
    बादलैबादल मिलेर एउटा देश बनेको देख्छु।

    आकाश अनादिदेखि
    सबै मानिसका लागि—
    एउटा अन्तहीन अन्तरिक्षमा
    म सधैँ सपनामा
    निल आम्र्सट्रङका
    पैतालाहरूको छाप देख्छु।


    कसको समुद्रमा गएर डुब्नू म
    कसको पहाडमा लुक्नू ।
    आकाशबाट खसेको ताराले
    कुन देशको नाम सम्झनू।

    धर्मका कारण
    जातिका कारण
    चेप्टो नाकका कारण
    ध्वाँसे अनुहारका कारण
    आफ्नै देश छाड्नुपर्योण मैले
    दिउँसो मासै
    दैलो उदाङ्गै छाडेर
    दिशाहीन बाटो लाग्नुपर्यो मैले।

    यो घरलाई नभत्काइराख्नू
    बिहान उदाउने हरेक सूर्यलाई बचाइराख्नू
    म फर्की आउँछु
    एउटा बत्ती जगाइराख्नू
    अहिलेलाई त जसोतसो गरुँला
    आफ्नो भाग्यको परदेशमा वास बसुँला ।


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