Some Nepali Poem Of Krishna Pradhan कृष्ण प्रधानका केही कबिताहरु


Some Nepali Poem Of Krishna Pradhan कृष्ण प्रधानका केही कबिताहरु

Krishna Pradhan was born on February 14, 1956, in Kharsang (Kurseong), West Bengal, India, and is considered by many as a multifaceted genius in Nepali literature and theatre. His birthplace-a humble police quarter-could not envision the great literary voyage he would embark on, but the surroundings fostered his intrinsic creativity and deep love for the Nepali language and culture.

Born right into a police own family, his father, Dalbahadur Pradhan, changed into a police officer, while his mother, Laxmi Devi Pradhan, a homemaker, played an crucial role in fostering Krishna's early interest in literature. Krishna Pradhan grew up steeped inside the particular amalgam of Indian and Nepali cultural ethos that characterizes the Darjeeling hills.

He pursued formal education in Nepali literature and later went on to acquire a master's degree. Meanwhile, he also studied management and journalism, the bedrock for the shining career of a writer, dramatist, poet, and journalist.


    Literary Contributions: The Playwright and Poet

    Krishna Pradhan contributed to Nepali literature in almost all genres of writing. Primarily known for his satirical and humorous plays, his works include essays, poetry, free-verse composition, one-act plays, and interviews filled with insight. Moreover, his literature depicts his vital grasp on human emotions and social issues, often blending humor and satire with strong humanism.


    Poetry: The First Foray


    Poetry was the first forays that Pradhan made into the literary world. In poetry, he found a voice that fitted snugly into his world and played an integral part in shaping his voice. Free-flowing verses and couplets spoke of his raw talent and keen insight into the simple yet profound moments of life. He went on to publish a number of renowned collections of poetry over the years, marking a place in the Nepali literary world.


    Poetry Collections by Pradhan


    "Unka Bhramari Ma Pareka Muktakharu" (1982): A collection of short free-verse poems that delve into human experiences.


    "Mero Seto Parewa" (1988): A sensitive anthology of poems that hovers around the poet's personal reflections.


    "Mero Chhoro" (1990): The family relationships and fatherhood shaped this collection.


    "Apaharan Bhayeka Geet Haru" (1990): A lyrical anthology touching on loss and identity.


    "Bela Bhaeka Chhaina" (2015): Later work, reflecting on the transience of time.


    "Khutta Tanne Tapai Harulai Salam" (2016): Sharp critique on social issues veiled under humor and satire.


    Dramas: The Satirical Touch


    Undoubtedly, Pradhan's grand contributions to Nepali literature come under the genre of drama. His skill in preparing social, historical, and mythological dramas is unrivaled. Pradhan is more akin to the Western dramatists Shakespeare, Ibsen, and Chekhov, whose influence can be asserted in Pradhan's use of structure, character development, and thematic depth. In most of his plays, he has drawn on both poetic (padhya) and prose (gadhya) forms of drama, even though his poetic drama happens to be more popular.


    His primary strength is in weaving satire into the fabric of his dramas, making him one of the most important satirical dramatists in Nepali literature. He uses his mastery over language with minute attention to detail in social issues and character portrayal such that his plays amuse as much as they make one contemplate them.


    Some of the remarkable plays include:


    "Kam Garne Keti" in 2018: Satirical presentation of domestic help and the working class.


    "Singsande" (2019): A highly introspective drama touching on human relationships.


    "Obhano Siudo" (2019): One of his most famed plays, it depicts the vanishing traditions in Nepalese society and acts like a mirror to show the need for the preservation of culture, language, and values.


    Thematic Elements in the Works of Pradhan

    Krishna Pradhan is known for the linguistic precision, naturalness in the subject matter, and humanistic philosophy of his works. His writings predominantly stressed love for one's country, valor, patriotism, and depth in contemplation. Thus, his plays are flavored with colloquial language, humor, and witty proverbs, which present them as both accessible and profound.


    Literary Influence

    The influence of Pradhan in Nepali literature flows not only from his own creative output but also from his capability of integrating Western literary techniques into traditional Nepali storytelling. From writers like Shakespeare to Henrik Ibsen, Anton Chekhov, Maxim Gorky, and George Bernard Shaw, the influence is palpable in his writings, yet his application of those very same influences remains profoundly interfaced with distinctly Nepali contexts and themes.


    Pradhan's dramas amply present a fusion between the best of both worlds: Western dramaturgy in its structural finesse and philosophic depth, combined with rich cultural heritage and the unique ethos of Nepali society. His dramas in prose and poetry contain an uncommon level of craftsmanship, which makes him indispensable in Nepali theatre.


    Humour and Satire: Pradhan's Signature Style

    Among such contributions to Nepali literature, Krishna Pradhan is considered one of those who broke the path in Nepali literature concerning the genre of humor and satire. The element of humor in Krishna Pradhan's writing is an asset; it can be used for social critique. Pradhan's satirical essays and plays outline corruption, hypocrisy, and frustrating dynamics of power and authority. His humor is incidental, sharp, and most often a lash at the status quo.


    Key works in humor and satire include:


    "Aimai Ko Ris" (1992): A humorous essay on the nature of female anger, laced with cultural commentary.


    "Charo" (2004): A satirical take on the then prevailing political landscape.


    "Darko Haugugi" (2009): The reflection on fear and societal superstition.


    "Darjeeling Commentary" (2016): A satire report, light but trenchant about the present society.


    One-Act Plays


    Pradhan's one-act plays are another hallmark in his literature career. He uses this format to convey important messages regarding society-many times using humor to keep his audience entertained. His one-act plays are short, to the point, and yet replete with thoughts and themes.



    Some popular one-act plays include:


    "Aalu Khayer Peda Ko Dhak" (2018): A satirical play dwelling on the contrasts of appearance versus reality.


    Essays and Critical Works


    Pradhan's intellectual acumen is reflected also in his essays and critical works. His anthology of essays discusses various aspects, ranging from cultural criticism to personal musings on literature, politics, and social dynamics.




    One of the major works in this genre is:


    "Silgadi Ma Nepali Natak Mankan Ko Chiyasatti Barsha" (2015): A critical essay on the development of Nepali theater over the years, indicating its position vis-à-vis greater Nepali literature.


    Journalism and Teaching Career


    Krishna Pradhan has also contributed immensely as a journalist and teacher. In 1969, he started the weekly "Khabar Tagat", and in 1982, joined as a sub-editor for "Chuli" newspaper in Siliguri. His journalistic endeavors did not stop here; Pradhan went on to rise to an influential position among journalists, serving in various editorial positions, including sports editor for "Sagarmatha Dainik" and editor for "Himalchuli Dainik".


    Apart from journalism, Pradhan was no less energetic in teaching. He taught at Krishna Maya High School, of which he was once a student, further enriching his commitment toward the community and contributing to academic development among the younger generation.


    In 2016, Pradhan retired from formal employment, but his retirement seemed anything but idle as he continued to labor untiringly in the fields of journalism, literature, and broadcasting.


    The Multifaceted Character: A Social Commentator, a Cultural Icon

    Krishna Pradhan's work is not confined to literature only. His deep engagement in broadcasting, as he regularly does football commentary for All India Radio Kharsang, defines the vastness of his interests. This love for football, nurtured since his childhood days, compelled him to pursue a markedly different career both as a commentator and as a socio-cultural voice.


    Pradhan's personal and professional lives are deeply entwined with the cause of advancement in Nepali literature and culture in India. His razor-sharp mind, which he tempers with his disarming sense of humor, easily makes him the most loved man in town. He is not only a great writer but also a mentor, social critic, and cultural icon.


    Legacy and Lasting Impact

    Krishna Pradhan has left an indelible mark in Nepali literature, more in the field of drama and satire. The way he has used humor as a medium for social critique earned him a wide readership, and his respect endured in both Nepal and India.


    The unique way in which Pradhan mixed tradition with modernity, his deep insights into human nature, and the sharp usage of language wittily ensure that his works will continue to be celebrated for generations to come. Be it his poems, plays, or essays, Krishna Pradhan's voice stands out to be one of those voices that reflect complexities in Nepali society, its struggles, and its beauty.

    Krishna Pradhan is a name that has grown taller over his several-decade-long career in Nepali literature, inspiring many a writer and reader alike.

    माटोको गन्ध


    पसिनाको सुगन्धभन्दा पनि

    माटोको सुवास मन पर्छ ।

    किन किन अचेल

    भित्रभित्रै माटोकै रक्षकहरू

    धमिराको पहाड बनाइरहेछन्


    माटोको सुगन्धलाई

    भित्रभित्रै खोव्रmो सुरुङ खनेर । 


    माटो छोएर

    देशलाई प्रणाम गर्न मन लाग्छ

    हरेक बिहान


    सूर्यास्तसितै माटोकै जाग्रम

    बस्न मन लाग्छ ।


    माटो छोएरै

    किरीया खानेहरू

    माटोलाई नै

    अनागरिक बनाउँदै

    देशलाई लिलाम चढाइरहेछन्

    कुर्सीको स्वाद र सत्ताको मद

    माटोको सुवासभन्दा पनि 

    मिठो हुनथालेपछि

    माटोभरी दुगन्र्ध फैलिँदोरहेछ

    सिमानाहरूबाट पनि पर परसम्म । 

    रातो गलैँचामुनिबाट 

    पतपती धुवाँएको नदेख्नेहरूलाई 

    यो कविको 

    एउटा अन्तिम प्रश्न बाँकी छ :

    माटोको टीका लाएर

    माटैमाथि गद्दार गर्नेहरूको


    कविता लेख्न सक्तिनँ,


    कविता सुनाउन सक्तिनँ । 


    उज्यालो हुँ
    रातले ननाप्नू
    मेरा दिनहरू
    आकाश हुँ
    नखोज्नू फैलावट
    चेतना हुँ
    नछाम्नू मलाई
    खोँगीमा ।

    हिँडाइ हुँ
    नरोक्नू पैताला
    गतिमा गति हुँ
    हिलो नछ्याप्नू
    सृष्टि हुँ
    कैद नगर्नू
    मेरो रचना ।

    आकाशको सीमा छैन
    ननाप्नू दृष्टि
    विचार हुँ
    कैद नगर्नू
    म आँधीमा
    आँधी हुँ
    गतिमा गति ।

    अँध्यारो रातसित एकछिन

    जे पनि हुन्छ ।
    विच्छेद ।
    अहिले यस्तो अँध्यारो छ-
    झलमल्ल बत्ती बालेर पनि देखिन्न ।
    मैले तिमीलाई
    तिमीले मलाई
    केही गरे पनि देखिन्न
    भेट भएकै छ ।
    संवाद भएकै छ ।
    तर सम्वादहीनता जस्तो
    अँध्यारो अँध्यारो,
    तिमी र मबीच उभिरहेछ ।
    न तिमी चिर्न सक्छौ
    न म नै चिर्न सकिरहेछु ।
    यो कस्तो अँध्यारो र
    अँध्यारो शृङ्खला ?
    गतिहीनताको पदचाप
    अँध्यारोसितै बढिरहेछ ।
    कोही द्यौरालीमा टुकी बालेर
    अँध्यारो हटाउन खोज्दैछन् ।
    कोही गाम बेंसीतिर दियालो बालेर
    अँध्यारो चिर्न खोज्दैछन् ।
    कहाँबाट आउँछ फेरि अँध्यारोकै शृङ्खला ?
    हावाको एक झोक्का सितै त्यो टुकी पनि निभ्छ ।
    दियालोमा अर्को रात
    फेरि छिप्पिन्छ ।
    अँध्यारोमा बस्ने बानी भएपछि
    उज्यालो निको लाग्दैन ।
    अँध्यारोमा जे पनि हुन्छ ।
    महाप्रस्थान ।
    सुन्यताका पदचापहरू
    उज्यालोबाट अँध्यारोमा छन्,
    यो बेला शुभ छैन
    अँध्यारो हेर्न ।
    अँध्यारोमा छन् पाइलाहरू
    अँध्यारोमा छन् गतिहरू
    उज्यालोको आकाश
    उघ्रेको छैन ।
    म उज्यालो
    पर्खिरहेछु ।

    प्रवेश निषिद्ध गोलार्धमा

    जाँदै थियौँ,
    जाँदाजाँदै नदीले छेक्यो ।
    कुनै पुल थिएन,
    बाढी आएको थियो
    कुर्दाकुर्दै पानी सुक्यो नदीको
    पार गर्यौँ ।

    त्यहाँपनि बस्न मन थिएन
    अघि बढ्यौँ,
    फेरि त्यहाँ भयङ्कर हिउँ पर्यो।
    पहाडहरू सेताम्मे भए
    हिउँले हातगोडा चल्न सकेनन्
    पर्खियौँ ;
    अर्को साल आयो
    हिउँ पग्लियो
    फेरि अघि बढ्यौँ ।

    त्यहाँपनि बस्न मन भएन
    अझै अघि जानु थियो
    तर त्यहाँबाट उता बढेको भए
    तलतिर खसिने डर पलायो
    टेबुलको पल्लो कुनामा पुगेर
    अलमलिएको कमिलोझैँ
    हामी अघि बढ्न सकेनौँ,
    त्यसै दिनदेखि हामी अलमलिइरहेछौँ।

    साँढ्याको कवित्

    ऊ जति स्वतन्त्र
    को छ र ?
    नभनेको मात्र गर्छ
    अजङ्गको जूरो उचाल्छ।

    हानुलाझैँ गरी
    तीखा तीखा सिङ
    सुवर्ण–अक्षरले मोरिएका सिङ
    छुन पनि सकिदैँन
    मिल्दैन, जातै जाने हो कि जस्तो !

    डामेर छोडेका साँढेलाई
    समात्ने हुती कसको ?
    ऐँचमा छैन,
    समागमको रति–पीडाले
    चटारिएका गाईहरू
    यसका वरिपरि
    झुमेका छन्।
    यसबेला छेउ लागेर
    हिँड्न पनि हुँदैन,
    मात्तिएका साँढेहरू
    रति–रागमा मदान्त छन्।

    सीमानाको के कुरा ?
    सिमाना पर्खाल
    नाध्दै हिँड्ने
    उसको स्वभाव छ
    स्वयम् नारायणकै अवतारमा
    साँढ्या भरखरै हो
    तीर्थाटनमा निस्किएको छ
    नारायणः नारायणः नारायणः
    मात्र गर्न सकिन्छ
    पाउ पर्न मात्र सकिन्छ
    कविता चढाएर
    आचमनी मात्र गर्न सकिन्छ
    अक्षेरको अच्छेता चढाउने
    शब्दको भर्याङ बनाएर
    स्व‚ती गाउने हो
    कविजी !
    अब पालो तिम्रै परेको छ
    सुनाउने !

    जीवनको गति

    ऐनामा हेर्दै छु
    व्यर्थै किन रोप्छौ
    काँचका टुक्राहरू

    फूलमा हेर्दै छु
    व्यर्थै किन उखेल्छौ

    पानीमा खोज्दै छु
    व्यर्थै ढाकेर लहरहरूले
    किन खोस्छौ

    जीवन त्यति सस्तो छैन
    व्यर्थै किन टाढिन्छौ

    जीवनको गति खोज्दै छु
    व्यर्थै नरोप बाटामा
    काँडाहरू ।


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