Some Best Nepali Poems Of Hira Aakash हिरा आकाशका केही कबिताहरु


Some Best Nepali Poems Of Hira Aakash  हिरा आकाशका केही कबिताहरु

Hira Aakash is the name popular in the Nepali literary world, while he was born as Hira Parajuli. His contributions to literature, journalism, and literary journalism have etched his name in the annals of Nepali culture. Although he was employed in the Agriculture Development Bank, his passion for literature allowed him to carve out a distinct identity as Hira Aakash in the Nepali literary sky. He was born on March 22, 1954, in Shivaganj-8, Jhapa. Aakash made Jhapa his workplace, through his works, emerged as a national figure. His involvement in various literary and journalistic activities was deep, which made him multifaceted.

    Early Life and Education:

     Hira Aakash was born into an average family in Jhapa and spent his early years out in the rural culture. The early education was done in the local schools, from where he developed a love for reading and writing. With time, his interest in literature became more serious day by day, and this eventually triggered a want to write poetry and short stories which reflected the socio-political environment surrounding him. He started writing from a very tender age in his teens, and by his twenties, he started contributing to local newspapers and magazines. Career at Agriculture Development Bank:


    Aakash started his professional life from the Agriculture Development Bank, to which he remained attached for quite some time.

    Despite the demanding nature of his job, he never let his passion for literature wane. His colleagues remember him as a dedicated and honest employee who balanced his work life with his literary pursuits. He could even be seen writing verses or jotting down ideas for his next column in the office during breaks or free time. That he could handle both his career and literary interests skillfully spoke volumes about his motivation and enthusiasm. Literary Contributions:


    Hira Aakash's literary journey was deeply influenced by his engagement with poetry.

    He had started writing in the late 1960s, and soon he turned out to be one of the most active participants in the literary movements happening during his time. His poems often reflected the struggles and aspirations of common people, which used to touch the hearts of readers from every nook and corner of the country. He was, especially, known to be involved in the 'Bhoka Kavita Andolan' or the Hunger Poetry Movement of the early 1980s, which was an important literary movement in Nepal with aims to shed light on social injustices and inequalities. His poems were a reflection of the essence of the feelings, lyrical beauty, and socio-political comments. Aakash understood that poetry should be not only an art of inspiring but also a powerful tool for influencing society. It was partly reflected in his works, where, rather often, he expressed his ideas about such problems as poverty, corruption, and the position of the marginalized.


    Role in Journalism and Literary Journalism:


    Besides poetry, Hira Aakash contributed to journalism and literary journalism.

    He worked as an editor of the weekly paper 'Varun', published from Bhadrapur, Jhapa. Under his editorship, 'Varun' became a medium to air the feelings of the people of Jhapa and beyond. Aakash also wrote regular columns in various magazines such as 'Hijoo Aaja', 'Saptahik Vichar', and 'Vivechana'. His columns were poetic in nature, yet simple and lucid to remain within the comprehension of common readers. Social Organization Participation: Aakash was also an active social worker.


    He was the founding president of 'Manthan Jhapa', a literary organization that focuses on the promotion of Nepali literature and culture in Jhapa.

    The first ad hoc committee secretary of Progressive Writers' Union in Jhapa. His membership with these organizations was a reflection of his commitment to the use of literature in the interest of social and cultural development. Besides, he was a member of the Nepal Literature Development Committee, as well as the Mahananda Award Committee, in addition to other committees responsible for Nepali literature development and recognition. Literary Achievements and Recognition: Several prestigious awards were given to Hira Aakash throughout his life: the 'Shrashta Puraskar' in 1985, the 'Mahananda Puraskar' in 1988, the 'Lalita Kavya Puraskar' in 1993, and the 'Mohan Regmi Smriti Samman Puraskar' in 2001. The series of these awards gave evidence of his influence in Nepali literature.


    Agoka Swarharu', the collection of poetry published in 1998, was one of the most acclaimed works. Here, he merged lyrical beauty with intense socio-political messages. His other notable works are the editorials and columns that were widely read and respected.

    A Unique Style of Writing: Hira Aakash is known for his style of writing, particularly in his poems.


    He was a master in free verse, and his poems often had vivid imagery and deep philosophical reflections.


    His style was molded by the socio-political environment of his time, and often his poems were comments upon the state of society. Similarly, there was musicality to Aakash's poetry that made it appealing and unforgettable. He felt that poetry should be within the reach of one and all; this conviction held true for his somewhat facile yet depth-giving usage of language. Final Years and Legacy: His later years were spent in ill health, more so after he suffered a brain hemorrhage. Hira Aakash underwent surgery in Siliguri and again domestic to Jhapa, in which he continued to write and make a contribution to literature to the remaining days of his existence. He surpassed away on 22 July 2002 on the age of fifty seven years. His loss of life become a great loss to Nepali literature; but, his works will always keep him alive, inspiring and influencing writers and readers alike.


    Aakash's works are left in the back of in his poetry, journalism contributions, and social reasons. he is remembered no longer best as a poet but additionally as a journalist, an editor, and a social worker who worked in the direction of changing society. His life and works act as a mild reminder of the power of literature to effect exchange and the importance of staying authentic to at least one's passions and values.

    Personal Reflections and Tributes:


    Many colleagues and followers of Hira Aakash have reflected upon his life and contribution. They outline his humility, dedication, and passion for literature.


    Achyut Ghimire, a young literary figure, has written about Aakash in the book 'Jhapali Shrashta Ra Sahitya-1', where he described Aakash as a skilled craftsman of prose poetry.

    Ghimire praised Aakash for his ability to make beautiful poems, saying that he was a sculptor who carved out the most beautiful statues out of stone. Ghimire also claimed that his style of writing was both attractive and impactful, as if it stole readers' hearts. Prakash Dahal, the then-manager of Agriculture Development Bank, Chandragadi where Aakash worked, has shared something about Aakash. He remembers Aakash as a sincere and industrious employee, nay, one of the most committed ones, indeed.


    Dahal remembered that even while working at the bank, he'd see Aakash writing poems in his free time-a habit reflecting his undying love for literature. Dahal adds Aakash had never compromised his literary works with his job, and how well he balanced his personal and professional life. The Impact of Poetry in Aakash's Life: Poetry for Hira Aakash was not an art of expression but a way of living. He believed that poetry could bring a change in society, and his thoughts were reflected in his writings. The poetry of Aakash had often been grouped to address issues like poverty, inequality, and political corruption. His poems gave voice to the voiceless, which resonated with the struggles of common people.


    Aakash once said, "Poetry sometimes descends from its lofty pedestal and walks the streets, chanting slogans of 'Long live' and 'Down with,'" signaling his view that poetry was not only an art form but also a tool for activism. He used poetry as a means to raise his voice against injustice and for fair treatment. Much of his work engages with the radical transformations in recent Nepali history, extending from the Panchayat regime to the ongoing Maoist insurgency.


    Hira Aakash was a vibrant figure in the tide of various literary movements of Nepal throughout his career. His presence was felt in 'Bhoka Kavita Andolan' or the Hunger Poetry Movement, which utilized poetry as an outlet to tackle social issues. This movement did bear significance during times when Nepal was experiencing a deficit in the political and social spheres of life. His association with this movement reflected his belief in the power of poetry to be potentially able to raise awareness and inspire change.


    During the mid-1980s, Aakash also shared his association with the literary movement 'Darjeevad', better known as Tailorism, which projected a new form of poetry by borrowing lines or phrases from the same works and recontextualizing them into a new poem. The obvious charge of plagiarism had its fair share of controversy in this new concept of literature. However, Aakash believed that it was by this concept that greater creativity and innovation in poetry could emerge, and he was a staunch propagator of this concept.

    Aakash's Influence on Nepali Literature


    Hira Aakash's influence on Nepali literature goes beyond his own writing works. As an influencing factor, he encouraged many young writers into new ideas and exploration of ways in which to break or widen the periphery of traditional form in literature. Being part of literary organizations and movements helped create a community that is supportive of writers and poets in Jhapa and beyond.


    A number of other works have also been studied and analyzed by scholars of literature, who express their appreciation for his contribution to the development of Nepali poetry. His use of free verse, addressing social issues, and associating himself with literary movements-all these indeed became great contributions to the evolution of Nepali literature.

    A Life Dedicated to Literature and Social Justice:


    Hira Aakash's life was committed to literature, and his commitment to social justice also involved the victims and those who suffered under several injustices. He used his talents as a poet, journalist, and editor in active support of the marginalized and against various injustices he suffered. His works are still read and appreciated by readers at present, while his legacy as a champion of literature and social change remains strong.

    Basically, Hira Aakash was a multi-dimensional personality; his contribution to Nepali literature, Nepali journalism, and to social causes will engrave his name in Nepali culture forever. The works keep on inspiring new writers and poets, and the memories of his work as a poet, editor, and social worker will always remain. 


    Hira Aakash's career as a poet, journalist, and social worker is critically marked by his commitment to literature and its social justice. He used his literary talent to speak on behalf of the oppressed and against the injustice of his era. Aakash's works are still being read and appreciated by readers today, and his legacy as a champion of literature and social change remains strong.

    सर्पले गीत सुन्दैन 

    पोखरीको पानी
    धमिलिएको छ यतिबेला
    उन्मत्त पौडिरहेका माछाहरू देखिदैनन्
    मात्र भ्यागुताहरू उफ्रेको देखिन्छन
    दाउमा बसेका केही सर्पहरू देखिनछन् ।

    सर्पहरू जो भ्यगुता खान पल्केका छन्
    सर्पहरू जो मात्र बिषपान गर्न सल्केका छन्
    यिनीहरूलाई सग्लो पानीको कुनै वास्ता हुदैन
    यिनीहरूलाई पानीभित्र बस्ने
    माछाहरूको पनि मतलब हुदैन
    यिनीहरूलाई त आहार भए पुग्छ
    यिनीहरूलाई त ठुङ्न पाए पुग्छ
    चाहे भ्यागुता होस
    या फेरि माछाहरू
    सर्पलाई बिष पोख्न पाए पुग्छ ।

    पोखरीको पानी धमिलिएको छ यसबेला
    र, सर्पहरू जाप लगाइएरहेछन्
    शान्ति यात्रा गरी रहेछन्
    दुलो दुलोबाट निस्केर
    त्यसैले दर्शनको कुरा नसुनाऊ उनिहरूलाई ।

    जहिले पनि
    प्रगति र शान्तिको विरोधी हो सर्प
    यसैले सर्पलाई
    गरुड पुराण नसुनाऊ
    बालुन र बिथोलिन नसुनाऊ
    सर्प बहिरो हुन्छ सर्पले गीत सुन्दैन ।


    घडीको सियो एकआपसमा जोल्ठिएर
    ठीक बाह्र बजेको छ
    र मान्छेका छायाहरू पुड्का भएका छन्।

    पर्यावरण नै चकमन्न छ
    वातावरण नै सुनसान छ
    पानीको प्रवाह पनि माथिसम्म आइपुग्दैन
    र डिल ओभानो छ
    तातो हावा चलिरहेछ
    र सरुवा रोगका जीवाणुहरू
    स्वतन्त्र उडिरहेछन्
    सँगसँगै सारा वातावरणलाई
    ‘डिहाइड्रेसन’ बनाइरहेछन् ।
     यसबेला समयले बाह्र बजाइरहेछ
    र मनपरी गरिरहेछ
    उठेकालाई बसाएको छ
    बसेकालाई सुताएको छ
    बस्न र सुत्न नमान्नेलाई
    मुताएको छ
    धुपौरेहरूको कहीँ कमी हुन्न
    तिनीहरूलाई आफ्नो वरिपरि
    फनफनी घुमाएको छ ।

    घाम डुबेर
    अन्धकार छ यसबेला
    अँध्यारोमा कालो छाया देखिँदैन
    अँध्यारोमा कालो मानिस चिनिँदैन ।
    प्रियजन ।
    यो कालो समयको कालो छायाविरुद्ध
    आऊ, अर्को एउटा समय खडा गरौँ
    र हाम्रो छायालाई
    पुड्को हुनबाट जोगाऔँ।

    मुक्त आवाज  

    जति–जति बर्साऊ
    छाना–छानाभरि बमहरू
    जति–जति पड्काऊ
    छाती–छातीभरि बन्दुकहरू
    या कुल्च दाब्रैदाब्रा हुनेगरी
    बुटले शरीरभरि
    आवाज कहिले मरेको छ र (?)
     हामी त्यही अजर
    मुक्त आवाज हौँ
    जहाँ पनि, जहिले पनि

    चैत र बाँदरहरू  

    बिहान के भएको थियो ?
    चैते बाँदरहरू उत्पात मच्चाउन थाली हाले
    पौवा पाटि मन्दिर सडक जङ्गलतिर
    बिहान के भएको थियो ?
    चैते बाँदरहरू उत्पात मच्चाउन थाली हाले ।

    कतै बुढाबुढीको प्रसाद खोसेर
    कतै बालबालिकाहरूको गाला चड्काएर
    यताबाट उता उफ्रिन्दै
    बिहान के भएको थियो ?
    चैते बाँदरहरू उत्पात मच्चाउन थाली हाले।

    उता शहर शहर आक्रान्त छ
    बाँदरहरूको चकचकदेखि
    उता एक जमात अन्धाहरू
    मस्तसँग हात्तीलाई छामीरहेका छन्
    कोहि हात्तीलाई भित्ता भनी रहेका छन्
    कोहि खाँबा ठानि रहेका छन् हात्तीलाई
    कोहि नाङ्लो र डोरी सम्झिरहेका छन् हात्तीलाई
    म बुझ्दिनँ किन यिनीहरू भ्रम पालिरहेका छन्
    भ्रम फिजाइ रहेका छन्
    किन कि हात्ती भित्ता जस्तो हुँदैन
    खाँबा जस्तो हुदैन
    हात्ती नाङ्लो र डोरी जस्तो हुँदैन
    हात्ती त चारखुट्टे जनवार हो
    वास्तवमा हात्ती ती अन्धा जस्तो पनि हुँदैन
    बिहान के भएको थियो
    चैते बाँदरहरू उत्पात मच्चाउन थाले ?

    केशवलाई विर्तामोडमा नखोज्नुहोला

    ऊ यतिखेर
    बर्खाको झरीबाट बच्न छानाको दुलो टाल्दै होला
    ऊ यतिखेर
    हतार हतार आँगनमा मङ्सीर भित्र्याउदै होला
    हुनसक्छ ऊ यतिखेर
    व्याज तिरेर साहुसँग थैली बुझाउने भाका माग्दै होला ।
    दिनदशाको कुनै ठेगान हुदैन
    हुनसक्छ बिमार छोरीलाई काखी च्यापेर
    ऊ यतिखेर–
    डाक्टर जँचाउन जाँदै होला
    त्यसैले केशवलाई बिर्तामोडमा नखोज्नुहोला ।
    ऊ देशको नागरिक हो
    नागरिक मात्र होइन बिश्वको एउटा मान्छे हो
    त्यसैले उसलाई भुगोल र गोलार्धले छेक्नु हुँदैन
    सिमाना र चौहद्दीले घेर्नु हुदैन
    यस धर्तीमा जहाँ पनि मान्छेको बस्ती छ
    त्यहाँ यसलाई भेट्न सकिन्छ ।
    हो यत्ति हो उसलाई दुःख छ
    कि कतै लिजमा कतै मिसाइल्समा उसलाई
    प्रक्षेपण गरिएको छ
    हो यत्ति हो
    उसलाई बहादुर बनाई भाडामा
    आफु जस्तै मान्छे मार्न पठाएइको छ ।
    पीडाले मर्माहत छ ऊ
    कि मेघालयमा उसलाई बिदेशी भनी लखेटिएको छ
    यस्तो घडीमा ऊ कतै
    एकान्तमा बसी बस यही घाउ सुमसुम्याइरहेछ होला
    यसैले उसलाई बिर्तामोडमा नखोज्नु होला ।
    आजभोली त झनै उसलाई समस्याले पिरोलेको छ
    एकातिर नामको समस्याले पिरोलेको छ
    अर्कोतिर दामको समस्याले पिरोलेको छ
    नानीहरूको समस्या त छँदैछ
    पानीको समस्याले पनि पिरोलेको छ
    पानीको देशमा
    तिर्खाएर बस्नुपरेको छ उसले
    शान्तिकामी देशमा
    र भोग्नु परेको छ उसले
    यी त उदाहरण मात्र हुन् उसका समस्याहरूका
    यिनै समस्याहरूलाई
    ऊ पाँडे भाइको मलामी गइरहेको होला
    यसैले केशवलाई बिर्तामोडमा नखोज्नुहोला ।


    कुनै मालिकले
    कोर्रै कोर्राले हिर्काएको
    नीलडाम हो मेरो अक्षर ।

    जाली तमसुकले
    मोहियानी हो मेरो अक्षर ।

    सबै कुरा पाएर पनि
    सार्वभौमसत्ता गुमाएको
    सिक्किमी जनता हो
    मेरो अक्षर ।

    मुक्तिका लागि
    वर्षौंदेखि देश खोज्दै
    प्यालेस्टिनी शरणार्थी हो
    मेरो अक्षर ।

    स्वयम्भूको डाँडो र
    त्यसभन्दा पनि माथि
    चिच्याई भनिदिन्छु—
    ‘बाँच र बाँच्न देऊ’
    जोडी मलेवा हो
    मेरो अक्षर ।


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